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Automated system administration

by Bob Toxen

These days, almost everything can be done faster, more reliably, and less expensively by computer -- even the administration of computers themselves! It is amazing how much time a system administrator can save by automating daily chores. Among the tasks that can be automated are: system startups, checks for file system consistency, backups, and the addition of new users.

Of these, one of the most critical -- and commonly automated -- procedures is system startup. Smooth startups are vital to the integrity of file systems and the data they contain, so it's little wonder that many hardware vendors bundle automatic boot programs with the systems they sell.

The first step in bringing a system up is to press the system's boot button, sometimes called the reset button. (Even this can be automated on a VAX, but we will not cover that here.) After pressing the boot button, the system usually enters a state referred to as the PROM monitor. At this point, a command must typically be entered to start up UNIX. The command's content depends on the make and model of computer. On some systems, such as Silicon Graphics' IRIS, the system can be configured via DIP switches to boot UNIX automatically when the boot button is pressed, thus making the PROM monitor transparent to users. Such an approach is a good first step to automation.

Irrespective of how UNIX is booted, though, it will generally come up in single-user mode. At this point, an administrator will usually invoke fsck and remove daemon locks for lpr, uucp, or any other process -- before bringing the system up in multiuser mode. This, too, can be automated. I usually make an entry in my /.cshrc file to determine whether I'm in single-user mode. If I am, the system starts a background process that brings on multiuser mode within 30 seconds. Thus, if there is a reason not to enter multiuser mode, I have plenty of time to kill the background process. The .cshrc sequence that provides this function for csh is:

  if ( $$ < 5 ) then
          (sleep 30;multi)&
          echo "Going Multi in 30 seconds \
            (kill -9 $child to abort)"
The alias you choose for multi depends on the version of UNIX you have. For example:

  Version 7 and Berkeley 4.x:
          alias multi 'kill -9 $$'

  System III:
          alias multi '/etc/init 2'

  System V:
          alias multi '/etc/telinit 2'

This alias device generally cannot be used if one's single-user shell comes up in the Bourne shell because of a bug in init that fails to tell the shell that it is a login shell. The Bourne shell, moreover, looks at the .profile file rather than the .cshrc file for login shells.

For those interested in fixing the bug in init, note that the Bourne shell should be invoked as a login shell (with a name starting with a dash (-) in argv[0]). In System III, this can be done by linking /bin/sh to /bin/-sh and specifying the single-user shell as /bin/-sh. This can be dangerous, though, since someone may think that -sh was accidentally placed in /bin and so delete it. In that event, you would want to refer to my previous column on file system repair (October, 1984) since your system will subsequently not boot. In System V, the bug can be fixed by changing the line in init reading:


In other versions of UNIX, change the line looking something like:


A different shell may also be specified here if desired.

As soon as the system comes up, fsck must be run -- before any disk writes occur, apart from the updating of a few inode access times. It is convenient to invoke fsck at the start of the /etc/rc file, which is itself invoked as a shell script by init at the outset of multiuser mode. If one enters multiuser mode automatically, as discussed above, it is mandatory that fsck be run as the first item in /etc/rc, unless it is done in the single-user .cshrc file. This is typically done as follows:

  echo "Checking the file systems for consistency."
near the top of the /etc/rc file. In System III and V, these lines should, of course, appear inside the if or case statement for multiuser mode (usually state 2). (System III and V offer many states besides single-user and multiuser modes. The /etc/rc file is invoked when any of them are entered, and supplied with arguments that indicate what the new mode is, how many times it has been entered before, and what the previous mode was. System III even invokes /etc/rc when single-user mode is entered. But all of this is fodder for another column.) Of course, the /etc/checklist file should contain a list of device filenames describing file systems to be checked by fsck, specifying the block device for the root file system, and defining raw (character) device files for other file systems.

In some implementations, /etc/rc's standard input, output, and error are not directed to the console. Symptomatic of this is that either the echo message does not appear on the console, you cannot get acknowledgment of your responses to fsck's questions, or some of fsck's messages are lost. To work around this condition, surround the body of commands in /etc/rc with:


  ) < /dev/console 2>&1 > /dev/console
You may also have to use stty to reset the console's modes.

Once all file system checks have been performed, the next step would typically be to mount the file systems that are most often used. This is particularly important since /usr, commonly one of the file systems to be mounted, must be accessible for many of the commands that users will subsequently enter. The following sequence of file system mounts is typical for a system with two disks that are each split into three partitions:

  # md0b is the swap device
  echo "Mounting md0c usr";    mount /dev/md0c /usr
  echo "Mounting md1a mnt";    mount /dev/md1a /mnt
  echo "Mounting md1b scratch";mount /dev/md1b /scratch
  echo "Mounting md1c usr/src";mount /dev/md1c /usr/src
Next, the administrator must perform "clean-up" operations to minimize any damage possibly caused by an earlier crash:

          echo "Preserving editor files"
  /usr/lib/ex3.7preserve -
          echo "Clearing tmp dirs"
  rm -rf /tmp /usr/tmp
  mkdir /tmp /usr/tmp ; chmod 777 /tmp /usr/tmp
  chgrp sys /tmp /usr/tmp ; chown root /tmp /usr/tmp
          echo "Removing locks"
  rm -f /usr/adm/acct/nite/lock*
  rm -f /usr/spool/uucp/LCK* /usr/spool/uucp/ST* \
          echo "Resetting logs"
  cd /usr/adm ; cp sulog OLDsulog ; cp /dev/null sulog
  cd /usr/adm ; cp cronlog OLDcronlog ; \
    cp /dev/null cronlog
At this point, the administrator is ready to start up various daemons:

  echo "Starting update"; /etc/update
  echo "Starting cron";   /etc/cron
  echo "Starting uucico"; /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r1&
Some of the preceding commands are commonly incorporated into /etc/rc files. An additional feature, though, that I've added to the /etc/rc file on my M68010 workstation allows me to get the current time from a VAX by way of an Ethernet connection. To do this, I do a remote execution of date and use sed to change the output to a form suitable as a parameter to date on the local system. This allows the local system to set the date to within a few seconds of the VAX's date.


Incremental backups of disk file systems -- that is, backups of all files that have been created or changed since the last full backup -- are seldom done as often as they should due to the time and effort required. But incremental backups can be automated by making an entry in /usr/lib/crontab that starts the process in the wee hours of the morning, when file systems are usually quiescent. (Even if there is some activity, the only files that won't be backed up are the ones that are actually changing at the time.) Backing up disk 0 onto a file on disk 1 and vice versa is usually safe.

Alternatively, one could leave a tape in the tape drive, which is typically not used heavily, and backup onto it using a crontab entry. Of course, users should be warned not to leave write-enabled tapes in the tape drive. In one installation, I created a backup script that first checked to see if there was a tape in the drive. If so, it then read the first few blocks and would only perform the backup if it could ascertain that the mounted tape was, in fact, a backup tape.

Scripts for creating new user accounts offer another example of automated system administration. Such a script, run by root, can find the next unused user-id (perhaps kept in a file) and prompt for the account name, the person's name, and group-id to use. It could then add an entry to the /etc/passwd file, create the home directory with the correct permissions and ownership, and copy in default .profile, .cshrc, .login, .logout, .exrc, .mailrc, and .newsrc files.

Many repetitive operations can be automated by creating a shell script or csh alias. Almost invariably, use of these tools results in less human effort and more efficient operation. Though I have discussed some of the most common automated procedures, you can probably think up more that apply to your environment.

Bob Toxen is a member of the technical staff at Silicon Graphics, Inc. who has gained a reputation as a leading expert on UUCP communications, file system repair, and UNIX utilities. He has also done ports of System III and System V to systems based on the Zilog 8000 and Motorola 68010 chips.
Copyright © 1985, 2007, 2014, 2020 Robert M. Toxen. All rights reserved.